“In The Valley Of Starlight” Published In New Same-World Anthology.
A young colony marvels at the natural wonder of its new home in this sci-fi tale.
A young, space-faring colony marvels at the natural wonders of its new home.
A fantasy short story about a child in peril who seeks refuge in the forest.
A fantasy tale about a painter forced to accept a commission from a nefarious monarch.
A young colony marvels at the natural wonder of its new home in this sci-fi tale.
Reflecting on another year of writing, as well as life's small wonders and joys.
A fantasy tale about seeking refuge in the forest and discovering something truly special.
Set in a world where art can be truly magical, my first-ever published fantasy tale is now available.
This sci-fi heist tale is part of an incredible collection of speculative prose, poetry, and artwork.
I'm honored that my sci-fi tale about a loyal and intrepid dog lives on in a new collection.
At long last, a lifelong dream is fulfilled. I take to the stage to compete on Jeopardy!
I make it to the Jeopardy! stage in what's my last opportunity to prepare for a real game.
Come with me behind the scenes of the world's greatest quiz show, Jeopardy!