My very first published work of fiction has been released! “Good Boy” is a science fiction tale set against the backdrop of humanity’s darkest hour, seen through the eyes of an intrepid canine companion. You’ll be able to read more about what inspired this story in a few months when the publisher releases a piece on the story’s origin. But until then, you can check out this brief interview. I’ll also note here that this story arose as I was thinking about what our loved ones—including our pets—mean to us, and how relationships can evolve over time. I hope you enjoy it.
Click here to read “Good Boy”
at Metaphorosis Magazine.

I’ve long harbored a dream to share some of my stories with the world through a reputable and exemplary publication. And now that it has happened, I’m compelled to note that none of my writing is ever done in a vacuum. I’m incredibly fortunate to have been—and continually be—supported by an amazing woman who always encourages those around her to chase their goals and follow their hearts. I would like to thank my wife for her years of supporting my creative endeavors. Likewise, thanks to all of my family members and friends for your ceaseless encouragement.
I would also like to thank Metaphorosis Magazine‘s editor, B. Morris Allen, for both taking a chance on this story in sharing it with the world, and for taking an active role in helping to make it the best version it could possibly be. I’d also like to thank Metaphorosis Magazine‘s podcast editor, Matt Gomez, for producing the audio version of the story and for helping make my voice sound much better than it does in real life.
Finally, I want to thank Luna—the sweetest dog in the whole universe—for inspiring this story.
Follow me on Twitter—@mdouglaswhite.